
package com.jsql.view.swing.tab.dnd;

import com.jsql.util.LogLevelUtil;
import com.jsql.view.swing.action.ActionCloseTabResult;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;

import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.dnd.DragSource;
import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter;
import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Optional;

public class DnDTabbedPane extends JTabbedPane {

     * Log4j logger sent to view.
    private static final Logger LOGGER = LogManager.getRootLogger();

    private static final int SCROLL_SIZE = 20;  // Test
    private static final int BUTTON_SIZE = 30;  // 30 is magic number of scroll button size
    private static final int LINE_WIDTH = 3;
    private static final Rectangle RECT_BACKWARD = new Rectangle();
    private static final Rectangle RECT_FORWARD = new Rectangle();
    protected static final Rectangle RECT_LINE = new Rectangle();
    protected int dragTabIndex = -1;
    private transient DnDDropLocation dropLocation;

    public static final class DnDDropLocation extends TransferHandler.DropLocation {
        private final int index;
        private boolean dropable = true;
        private DnDDropLocation(Point p, int index) {
            this.index = index;
        public int getIndex() {
            return this.index;
        public void setDroppable(boolean flag) {
            this.dropable = flag;
        public boolean isDroppable() {
            return this.dropable;
    private void clickArrowButton(String actionKey) {
        JButton scrollForwardButton = null;
        JButton scrollBackwardButton = null;
        for (Component c: this.getComponents()) {
            if (c instanceof JButton) {
                if (scrollForwardButton == null) {
                    scrollForwardButton = (JButton) c;
                } else if (scrollBackwardButton == null) {
                    scrollBackwardButton = (JButton) c;
        JButton button = "scrollTabsForwardAction".equals(actionKey) ? scrollForwardButton : scrollBackwardButton;
    public void autoScrollTest(Point pt) {
        Rectangle r = this.getTabAreaBounds();
        if (DnDTabbedPane.isTopBottomTabPlacement(this.getTabPlacement())) {
            DnDTabbedPane.RECT_BACKWARD.setBounds(r.x, r.y, DnDTabbedPane.SCROLL_SIZE, r.height);
            DnDTabbedPane.RECT_FORWARD.setBounds(r.x + r.width - DnDTabbedPane.SCROLL_SIZE - DnDTabbedPane.BUTTON_SIZE, r.y, DnDTabbedPane.SCROLL_SIZE + DnDTabbedPane.BUTTON_SIZE, r.height);
        } else {
            DnDTabbedPane.RECT_BACKWARD.setBounds(r.x, r.y, r.width, DnDTabbedPane.SCROLL_SIZE);
            DnDTabbedPane.RECT_FORWARD.setBounds(r.x, r.y + r.height - DnDTabbedPane.SCROLL_SIZE - DnDTabbedPane.BUTTON_SIZE, r.width, DnDTabbedPane.SCROLL_SIZE + DnDTabbedPane.BUTTON_SIZE);
        if (DnDTabbedPane.RECT_BACKWARD.contains(pt)) {
        } else if (DnDTabbedPane.RECT_FORWARD.contains(pt)) {
    protected DnDTabbedPane() {
        var h = new Handler();
    public DnDDropLocation dropLocationForPointDnD(Point p) {
        for (var i = 0; i < this.getTabCount(); i++) {
            if (this.getBoundsAt(i).contains(p)) {
                return new DnDDropLocation(p, i);
        if (this.getTabAreaBounds().contains(p)) {
            return new DnDDropLocation(p, this.getTabCount());
        return new DnDDropLocation(p, -1);
    public void setDropLocation(TransferHandler.DropLocation location, boolean forDrop) {
        DnDDropLocation old = this.dropLocation;
        if (Objects.isNull(location) || !forDrop) {
            this.dropLocation = new DnDDropLocation(new Point(), -1);
        } else if (location instanceof DnDDropLocation) {
            this.dropLocation = (DnDDropLocation) location;
        this.firePropertyChange("dropLocation", old, this.dropLocation);
    public void exportTab(int dragIndex, JTabbedPane target, int targetIndex) {
        var cmp = this.getComponentAt(dragIndex);
        var tab = this.getTabComponentAt(dragIndex);
        String title = this.getTitleAt(dragIndex);
        var icon = this.getIconAt(dragIndex);
        String tip = this.getToolTipTextAt(dragIndex);
        boolean isEnabled = this.isEnabledAt(dragIndex);
        target.insertTab(title, icon, cmp, tip, targetIndex);
        target.setEnabledAt(targetIndex, isEnabled);

        target.setTabComponentAt(targetIndex, tab);
        if (tab instanceof JComponent) {
            ((JComponent) tab).scrollRectToVisible(tab.getBounds());
    public void convertTab(int prev, int next) {
        var cmp = this.getComponentAt(prev);
        var tab = this.getTabComponentAt(prev);
        String title = this.getTitleAt(prev);
        var icon = this.getIconAt(prev);
        String tip = this.getToolTipTextAt(prev);
        boolean isEnabled = this.isEnabledAt(prev);
        int tgtindex = prev > next ? next : next - 1;
        this.insertTab(title, icon, cmp, tip, tgtindex);
        this.setEnabledAt(tgtindex, isEnabled);
        // When you drag'n'drop a disabled tab, it finishes enabled and selected.
        // pointed out by dlorde
        if (isEnabled) {
        // I have a component in all tabs (jlabel with an X to close the tab) and when I move a tab the component disappear.
        // pointed out by Daniel Dario Morales Salas
        this.setTabComponentAt(tgtindex, tab);
    public Optional<Rectangle> getDropLineRect() {
        int index = Optional.ofNullable(this.getDropLocation())
        if (index < 0) {
            DnDTabbedPane.RECT_LINE.setBounds(0, 0, 0, 0);
            return Optional.empty();
        int a = Math.min(index, 1);
        Rectangle r = this.getBoundsAt(a * (index - 1));
        if (DnDTabbedPane.isTopBottomTabPlacement(this.getTabPlacement())) {
            DnDTabbedPane.RECT_LINE.setBounds(r.x - DnDTabbedPane.LINE_WIDTH / 2 + r.width * a, r.y, DnDTabbedPane.LINE_WIDTH, r.height);
        } else {
            DnDTabbedPane.RECT_LINE.setBounds(r.x, r.y - DnDTabbedPane.LINE_WIDTH / 2 + r.height * a, r.width, DnDTabbedPane.LINE_WIDTH);
        return Optional.of(DnDTabbedPane.RECT_LINE);
    public Rectangle getTabAreaBounds() {
        Rectangle tabbedRect = this.getBounds();
        int xx = tabbedRect.x;
        int yy = tabbedRect.y;
        Rectangle compRect = Optional.ofNullable(this.getSelectedComponent())

        int tabPlacement = this.getTabPlacement();
        if (DnDTabbedPane.isTopBottomTabPlacement(tabPlacement)) {
            tabbedRect.height = tabbedRect.height - compRect.height;
            if (tabPlacement == SwingConstants.BOTTOM) {
                tabbedRect.y += compRect.y + compRect.height;
        } else {
            tabbedRect.width = tabbedRect.width - compRect.width;
            if (tabPlacement == SwingConstants.RIGHT) {
                tabbedRect.x += compRect.x + compRect.width;
        tabbedRect.translate(-xx, -yy);
        return tabbedRect;

    public static boolean isTopBottomTabPlacement(int tabPlacement) {
        return tabPlacement == SwingConstants.TOP || tabPlacement == SwingConstants.BOTTOM;

    private class Handler extends MouseAdapter implements PropertyChangeListener { // , BeforeDrag
        private Point startPt;
        private final int gestureMotionThreshold = DragSource.getDragThreshold();

        private void repaintDropLocation() {
            Component c = DnDTabbedPane.this.getRootPane().getGlassPane();
            if (c instanceof GhostGlassPane) {
                GhostGlassPane glassPane = (GhostGlassPane) c;
        // PropertyChangeListener
        public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent e) {
            String propertyName = e.getPropertyName();
            if ("dropLocation".equals(propertyName)) {
        // MouseListener
        public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {
            DnDTabbedPane src = (DnDTabbedPane) e.getComponent();
            boolean isOnlyOneTab = src.getTabCount() <= 1;
            if (isOnlyOneTab) {
                this.startPt = null;
            var tabPt = e.getPoint();
            int idx;
            // Fix #95782: IllegalArgumentException on indexAtLocation()
            try {
                idx = src.indexAtLocation(tabPt.x, tabPt.y);
            } catch (IllegalArgumentException err) {
                LOGGER.log(LogLevelUtil.CONSOLE_JAVA, err);
            // disabled tab, null component problem.
            // pointed out by daryl. NullPointerException: i.e. addTab("Tab", null)
            boolean flag = idx < 0 || !src.isEnabledAt(idx) || Objects.isNull(src.getComponentAt(idx));
            this.startPt = flag ? null : tabPt;
        public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) {
            var tabPt = e.getPoint();
            if (Objects.nonNull(this.startPt) && this.startPt.distance(tabPt) > this.gestureMotionThreshold) {
                DnDTabbedPane src = (DnDTabbedPane) e.getComponent();
                var th = src.getTransferHandler();
                DnDTabbedPane.this.dragTabIndex = src.indexAtLocation(tabPt.x, tabPt.y);
                // Unhandled NoClassDefFoundError #56620: Could not initialize class java.awt.dnd.DragSource
                th.exportAsDrag(src, e, TransferHandler.MOVE);

                DnDTabbedPane.RECT_LINE.setBounds(0, 0, 0, 0);
                src.setDropLocation(new DnDDropLocation(tabPt, -1), true);
                this.startPt = null;

        public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {
            var tabPt = e.getPoint();
            JTabbedPane src = (JTabbedPane) e.getSource();
            int i = src.indexAtLocation(tabPt.x, tabPt.y);
            if (-1 < i && e.getButton() == MouseEvent.BUTTON2) {
    public final DnDDropLocation getDropLocation() {
        return this.dropLocation;