
 * This file is part of a syntax highlighting package
 * Copyright (C) 2002  Stephen Ostermiller
 * http://ostermiller.org/contact.pl?regarding=Syntax+Highlighting
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * See COPYING.TXT for details.
package com.jsql.view.swing.sql.lexer.syntax;

 * A SQLToken is a token that is returned by a lexer that is lexing an SQL
 * source file. It has several attributes describing the token: The type of
 * token, the text of the token, the line number on which it occurred, the
 * number of characters into the input at which it started, and similarly, the
 * number of characters into the input at which it ended. <br>
public class SQLToken extends Token {
     * A reserved word (keyword)
    public static final int RESERVED_WORD = 0x100;

     * A variable, name, or other identifier
    public static final int IDENTIFIER = 0x200;

     * A string literal
    public static final int LITERAL_STRING = 0x300;
     * A bit-string
    public static final int LITERAL_BIT_STRING = 0x310;
     * An integer
    public static final int LITERAL_INTEGER = 0x320;
     * A floating point
    public static final int LITERAL_FLOAT = 0x330;

     * A separator
    public static final int SEPARATOR = 0x400;

     * An operator
    public static final int OPERATOR = 0x500;

     * C style comment, (except possibly nested)
    public static final int COMMENT_TRADITIONAL = 0xD00;

     * a -- to end of line comment.
    public static final int COMMENT_END_OF_LINE = 0xD10;

     * White space
    public static final int WHITE_SPACE = 0xE00;

     * An error
    public static final int ERROR = 0xF00;
     * An comment start embedded in an operator
    public static final int ERROR_UNCLOSED_COMMENT = 0xF02;
     * An comment start embedded in an operator
    public static final int ERROR_UNCLOSED_STRING = 0xF03;
     * An comment start embedded in an operator
    public static final int ERROR_UNCLOSED_BIT_STRING = 0xF04;
     * An comment start embedded in an operator
    public static final int ERROR_BAD_BIT_STRING = 0xF05;

    private final int id;
    private final String contents;
    private final int lineNumber;
    private final int charBegin;
    private final int charEnd;
    private final int state;

     * Create a new token. The constructor is typically called by the lexer
     * @param id
     *            the id number of the token
     * @param contents
     *            A string representing the text of the token
     * @param lineNumber
     *            the line number of the input on which this token started
     * @param charBegin
     *            the offset into the input in characters at which this token
     *            started
     * @param charEnd
     *            the offset into the input in characters at which this token
     *            ended
    public SQLToken(int id, String contents, int lineNumber, int charBegin, int charEnd) {
        this(id, contents, lineNumber, charBegin, charEnd, Token.UNDEFINED_STATE);

     * Create a new token. The constructor is typically called by the lexer
     * @param id
     *            the id number of the token
     * @param contents
     *            A string representing the text of the token
     * @param lineNumber
     *            the line number of the input on which this token started
     * @param charBegin
     *            the offset into the input in characters at which this token
     *            started
     * @param charEnd
     *            the offset into the input in characters at which this token
     *            ended
     * @param state
     *            the state the tokenizer is in after returning this token.
    public SQLToken(int id, String contents, int lineNumber, int charBegin, int charEnd, int state) {
        this.id = id;
        this.contents = contents;
        this.lineNumber = lineNumber;
        this.charBegin = charBegin;
        this.charEnd = charEnd;
        this.state = state;

     * Get an integer representing the state the tokenizer is in after returning
     * this token. Those who are interested in incremental tokenizing for
     * performance reasons will want to use this method to figure out where the
     * tokenizer may be restarted. The tokenizer starts in Token.INITIAL_STATE,
     * so any time that it reports that it has returned to this state, the
     * tokenizer may be restarted from there.
    public int getState() {
        return this.state;

     * get the ID number of this token
     * @return the id number of the token
    public int getID() {
        return this.id;

     * get the contents of this token
     * @return A string representing the text of the token
    public String getContents() {
        return this.contents;

     * get the line number of the input on which this token started
     * @return the line number of the input on which this token started
    public int getLineNumber() {
        return this.lineNumber;

     * get the offset into the input in characters at which this token started
     * @return the offset into the input in characters at which this token
     *         started
    public int getCharBegin() {
        return this.charBegin;

     * get the offset into the input in characters at which this token ended
     * @return the offset into the input in characters at which this token ended
    public int getCharEnd() {
        return this.charEnd;

     * Checks this token to see if it is a reserved word. Reserved words are
     * explained in <A Href=http://java.sun.com/docs/books/jls/html/>Java
     * Language Specification</A>.
     * @return true if this token is a reserved word, false otherwise
    public boolean isReservedWord() {
        return (this.id >> 8) == 0x1;

     * Checks this token to see if it is an identifier. Identifiers are
     * explained in <A Href=http://java.sun.com/docs/books/jls/html/>Java
     * Language Specification</A>.
     * @return true if this token is an identifier, false otherwise
    public boolean isIdentifier() {
        return (this.id >> 8) == 0x2;

     * Checks this token to see if it is a literal. Literals are explained in <A
     * Href=http://java.sun.com/docs/books/jls/html/>Java Language
     * Specification</A>.
     * @return true if this token is a literal, false otherwise
    public boolean isLiteral() {
        return (this.id >> 8) == 0x3;

     * Checks this token to see if it is a Separator. Separators are explained
     * in <A Href=http://java.sun.com/docs/books/jls/html/>Java Language
     * Specification</A>.
     * @return true if this token is a Separator, false otherwise
    public boolean isSeparator() {
        return (this.id >> 8) == 0x4;

     * Checks this token to see if it is a Operator. Operators are explained in
     * <A Href=http://java.sun.com/docs/books/jls/html/>Java Language
     * Specification</A>.
     * @return true if this token is a Operator, false otherwise
    public boolean isOperator() {
        return (this.id >> 8) == 0x5;

     * Checks this token to see if it is a comment.
     * @return true if this token is a comment, false otherwise
    public boolean isComment() {
        return (this.id >> 8) == 0xD;

     * Checks this token to see if it is White Space. Usually tabs, line breaks,
     * form feed, spaces, etc.
     * @return true if this token is White Space, false otherwise
    public boolean isWhiteSpace() {
        return (this.id >> 8) == 0xE;

     * Checks this token to see if it is an Error. Unfinished comments, numbers
     * that are too big, unclosed strings, etc.
     * @return true if this token is an Error, false otherwise
    public boolean isError() {
        return (this.id >> 8) == 0xF;

     * A description of this token. The description should be appropriate for
     * syntax highlighting. For example "comment" is returned for a comment.
     * @return a description of this token.
    public String getDescription() {
        if (this.isReservedWord()) {
            return "reservedWord";
        } else if (this.isIdentifier()) {
            return "identifier";
        } else if (this.isLiteral()) {
            return "literal";
        } else if (this.isSeparator()) {
            return "separator";
        } else if (this.isOperator()) {
            return "operator";
        } else if (this.isComment()) {
            return "comment";
        } else if (this.isWhiteSpace()) {
            return "whitespace";
        } else if (this.isError()) {
            return "error";
        } else {
            return "unknown";

     * get a String that explains the error, if this token is an error.
     * @return a String that explains the error, if this token is an error, null
     *         otherwise.
    public String errorString() {
        String s;
        if (this.isError()) {
            s = "Error on line " + this.lineNumber + ": ";
            switch (this.id) {
            case ERROR:
                s += "Unexpected token: " + this.contents;
            case ERROR_UNCLOSED_COMMENT:
                s += "Unclosed comment: " + this.contents;
            case ERROR_UNCLOSED_STRING:
                s += "Unclosed string literal: " + this.contents;
                s += "Unclosed bit-string literal: " + this.contents;
            case ERROR_BAD_BIT_STRING:
                s += "Bit-strings can only contain 0 and 1: " + this.contents;
        } else {
            s = null;
        return s;

     * get a representation of this token as a human-readable string. The format
     * of this string is subject to change and should only be used for debugging
     * purposes.
     * @return a string representation of this token
    public String toString() {
        return "Token #" + Integer.toHexString(this.id) + ": " + this.getDescription() + " Line " + this.lineNumber + " from "
                + this.charBegin + " to " + this.charEnd + " : " + this.contents;