Surefire Report


[Summary] [Package List] [Test Cases]

Tests Errors Failures Skipped Success Rate Time
44 0 0 0 100% 5.157 s

Note: failures are anticipated and checked for with assertions while errors are unanticipated.

Package List

[Summary] [Package List] [Test Cases]

Package Tests Errors Failures Skipped Success Rate Time
- 44 0 0 0 100% 5.157 s

Note: package statistics are not computed recursively, they only sum up all of its testsuites numbers.

- Class Tests Errors Failures Skipped Success Rate Time
ParameterUtilSpock 3 0 0 0 100% 0.827 s
BruterSpock 5 0 0 0 100% 1.652 s
StringUtilSpock 1 0 0 0 100% 0.555 s
BeanDatabaseSpock 8 0 0 0 100% 0.045 s
I18nUtilSpock 1 0 0 0 100% 0.042 s
TamperingUtilSpock 15 0 0 0 100% 1.510 s
PreferencesUtilSpock 3 0 0 0 100% 0.106 s
JsonUtilSpock 8 0 0 0 100% 0.420 s

Test Cases

[Summary] [Package List] [Test Cases]


Check STAR is used by correct method injection when check all param is disabled 0.664 s
Check that empty query string, request and header is not allowed 0.094 s
Check STAR is used one time only 0.068 s


Check simple MD5 bruteforce with upperCase and specialCharacters 0.057 s
Check simple MD5 bruteforce with lowerCase and digits 0.013 s
Check simple MD5 bruteforce not found 0.046 s
Check bruteforce hash per second and elapsed time format 1.520 s
Check elapsed time format 0.007 s


Check encoding/decoding methods from StringUtil and HashUtil 0.543 s


Check bean database hierarchie and labels [database: database, table: table, column: column, #0] 0.003 s
Check bean database hierarchie and labels 0.019 s
Check bean database hierarchie and labels without count [database: database, table: table, #0] 0.003 s
Check bean database hierarchie and labels without count 0.004 s
Check bean database hierarchie and labels with incorrect count [database: database, table: table, #0] 0.013 s
Check bean database hierarchie and labels with incorrect count 0.015 s
Check bean database hierarchie and labels with information_schema [database: information_schema, table: table, #0] 0.002 s
Check bean database hierarchie and labels with information_schema 0.005 s


Check locale is asian 0.040 s


Check Base64 0.790 s
Check VersionComment 0.189 s
Check FunctionComment 0.056 s
Check EqualToLike 0.017 s
Check RandomCase 0.114 s
Check StringToChar ab 0.056 s
Check HexToChar AB 0.051 s
Check QuoteToUtf8 0.020 s
Check VersionComment+FunctionComment 0.072 s
Check VersionComment+FunctionComment+HexToChar 0.068 s
Check SpaceToMultilineComment 0.022 s
Check SpaceToDashComment 0.012 s
Check SpaceToSharpComment 0.012 s
Check no tampering 0.002 s
Check eval 0.020 s


Check default values are set when loading saved preferences 0.028 s
Check saved preferences are loaded from the JVM [preferencesUtil: <com.jsql.util.PreferencesUtil@71139e77 pathFile=null isCheckingUpdate=true isReportingBugs=true is4K=false isFollowingRedirection=false isHttp2Disabled=false isNotInjectingMetadata=false isNotSearchingCharInsertion=false isNotShowingVulnReport=false isCheckingAllParam=false isCheckingAllURLParam=false isCheckingAllRequestParam=false isCheckingAllHeaderParam=false isCheckingAllBase64Param=false isCheckingAllJsonParam=false isCheckingAllCookieParam=false isCheckingAllSoapParam=false isPerfIndexDisabled=false isDefaultStrategy=false isZipStrategy=false isDiosStrategy=false isUrlEncodingDisabled=false isUrlRandomSuffixDisabled=false isParsingForm=false isNotTestingConnection=false isNotProcessingCookies=false isProcessingCsrf=false isTamperingBase64=false isTamperingFunctionComment=false isTamperingVersionComment=false isTamperingEqualToLike=false isTamperingRandomCase=false isTamperingEval=false isTamperingSpaceToMultilineComment=false isTamperingSpaceToDashComment=false isTamperingSpaceToSharpComment=false csrfUserTag= csrfUserTagOutput= isCsrfUserTag=false isLimitingThreads=true countLimitingThreads=5 isConnectionTimeout=false countConnectionTimeout=15 isUnicodeDecodeDisabled=false isUrlDecodeDisabled=false isStrategyTimeDisabled=false isStrategyBlindDisabled=false isStrategyMultibitDisabled=false isStrategyStackedDisabled=false isStrategyErrorDisabled=false isStrategyNormalDisabled=false isLimitingNormalIndex=false countNormalIndex=50 isLimitingSleepTimeStrategy=false countSleepTimeStrategy=5>, isCheckingUpdate: false, isReportingBugs: false, is4K: false, isFollowingRedirection: true, isNotInjectingMetadata: true, isNotSearchingCharInsertion: true, isCheckingAllParam: true, isCheckingAllURLParam: true, isCheckingAllRequestParam: true, isCheckingAllHeaderParam: true, isCheckingAllJsonParam: true, isCheckingAllCookieParam: true, isCheckingAllSoapParam: true, isParsingForm: true, isNotTestingConnection: true, isNotProcessingCookies: true, isProcessingCsrf: true, isTamperingBase64: true, isTamperingEqualToLike: true, isTamperingFunctionComment: true, isTamperingVersionComment: true, isTamperingRandomCase: true, isTamperingEval: true, isTamperingSpaceToDashComment: true, isTamperingSpaceToMultilineComment: true, isTamperingSpaceToSharpComment: true, isLimitingThreads: true, countLimitingThreads: 0, isCsrfUserTag: true, csrfUserTag: , #0] 0.062 s
Check saved preferences are loaded from the JVM 0.074 s


Add STAR when searching for key [parentXPath: root.d[2][0].d=d, oJsonObject: {"a":"a","b":{"b":"b"},"c":[{"c":"c"}],"d":[null,null,[{"d":"d"}]],"e":{"e":[null,null,[{"e":"e"}]]}}, #0] 0.022 s
Add STAR when searching for key 0.302 s
Replace STAR when not searching for key [oJsonObject: {"a":"a*","b":{"b":"b*"},"c":[0,false,{"c":"c*"}],"d":[null,null,[{"d":"d*"}]],"e":{"e":[null,1,false,null,[{"e":"e*"}]]}}, #0] 0.067 s
Replace STAR when not searching for key 0.071 s
Map json string to xpath [oJsonObject: {"a":"a","b":{"b":"b"},"c":[{"c":"c"}],"d":[null,null,[{"d":"d"}]],"e":{"e":[null,null,[{"e":"e"}]]},"f":[1,false,[1,true,{"f":true},{"f":1},{"f":[true,1,"f"]}]]}, oJsonArray: [1,true,null,{"a":"a","b":{"b":"b"},"c":[{"c":"c"}],"d":[null,null,[{"d":"d"}]],"e":{"e":[null,null,[{"e":"e"}]]},"f":[1,false,[1,true,{"f":true},{"f":1},{"f":[true,1,"f"]}]]},null], #0] 0.011 s
Map json string to xpath 0.038 s
Convert json string to Java JSON 0.004 s
Test json container 0.003 s