package com.jsql.model.injection.strategy.blind;

import com.jsql.model.injection.strategy.blind.patch.Diff;
import com.jsql.model.injection.strategy.blind.patch.DiffMatchPatch;

import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList;

 * Define a call HTTP to the server, require the associated url, character
 * position and bit. Opcodes represent the differences between
 * the reference page, and the resulting page.
public class CallableCharInsertion extends AbstractCallableBoolean<CallableCharInsertion> {
    // List of differences found between the reference page, and the present page
    private LinkedList<Diff> opcodes = new LinkedList<>();
    private static final DiffMatchPatch DIFF_MATCH_PATCH = new DiffMatchPatch();

    private final InjectionCharInsertion injectionCharInsertion;
    private final String metadataInjectionProcess;
     * Constructor for preparation and blind confirmation.
     * @param inj
     * @param injectionCharInsertion
    public CallableCharInsertion(String inj, InjectionCharInsertion injectionCharInsertion, String metadataInjectionProcess) {
        this.injectionCharInsertion = injectionCharInsertion;
        this.metadataInjectionProcess = metadataInjectionProcess;
        this.booleanUrl = inj;

     * Check if a result page means the SQL query is true,
     * confirm that nothing in the resulting page is also defined
     * in the pages from every FALSE SQL queries.
     * @return true if the current SQL query is true
    public boolean isTrue() {

        // Fix #95422: ConcurrentModificationException on
        List<Diff> copyTrueMarks = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>(this.injectionCharInsertion.getConstantTrueMark());
        for (Diff trueDiff: copyTrueMarks) {
            if (!this.opcodes.contains(trueDiff)) {
                return false;

        return true;

     * Process the URL HTTP call, use function inject() from the model.
     * Build the list of differences found between TRUE and the current page.
     * @return Functional Blind Callable
    public CallableCharInsertion call() {
        String source = this.injectionCharInsertion.callUrl(this.booleanUrl, this.metadataInjectionProcess, this);
        this.opcodes = CallableCharInsertion.DIFF_MATCH_PATCH.diffMain(

        return this;
    public List<Diff> getOpcodes() {
        return this.opcodes;