Class PanelNode

All Implemented Interfaces:
ImageObserver, MenuContainer, Serializable, Accessible

public class PanelNode extends JPanel
A tree Node composed of an icon, a GIF loader, a progress bar, a label.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • PanelNode

      public PanelNode(JTree tree, DefaultMutableTreeNode currentNode)
      Create Panel for tree nodes.
      tree - JTree to populate
      currentNode - Node to draw in the tree
  • Method Details

    • setIcon

      public void setIcon(Icon newIcon)
      Change the text icon.
      newIcon - An icon to display next to the text.
    • showIcon

      public void showIcon()
      Display the normal text icon to the left.
    • hideIcon

      public void hideIcon()
      Mask the node icon for example when the loader component is displayed.
    • setLoaderIcon

      public void setLoaderIcon(Icon newIcon)
      Change the loader icon.
      newIcon - An icon to display for the loader.
    • showLoader

      public void showLoader()
      Display the animated gif loader.
    • getProgressBar

      public ProgressBarPausable getProgressBar()
    • getLabel

      public JLabel getLabel()
    • getEditable

      public JTextField getEditable()