Class FixedColumnTable

All Implemented Interfaces:
PropertyChangeListener, EventListener, ChangeListener

public class FixedColumnTable extends Object implements ChangeListener, PropertyChangeListener
Prevent the specified number of columns from scrolling horizontally in the scroll pane. The table must already exist in the scroll pane. The functionality is accomplished by creating a second JTable (fixed) that will share the TableModel and SelectionModel of the main table. This table will be used as the row header of the scroll pane. The fixed table created can be accessed by using the getFixedTable() method. will be returned from this method. It will allow you to: You can change the model of the main table and the change will be reflected in the fixed model. However, you cannot change the structure of the model.
  • Constructor Details

    • FixedColumnTable

      public FixedColumnTable()
  • Method Details