Class AdjusterTableColumn

All Implemented Interfaces:
PropertyChangeListener, EventListener, TableModelListener

public class AdjusterTableColumn extends Object implements PropertyChangeListener, TableModelListener
Class to manage the widths of columns in a table. Various properties control how the width of the column is calculated. Another property controls whether column width calculation should be dynamic. Finally, various Actions will be added to the table to allow the user to customize the functionality. This class was designed to be used with tables that use an auto resize mode of AUTO_RESIZE_OFF. With all other modes you are constrained as the width of the columns must fit inside the table. So if you increase one column, one or more of the other columns must decrease. Because of this the resize mode of RESIZE_ALL_COLUMNS will work the best.
  • Constructor Details

    • AdjusterTableColumn

      public AdjusterTableColumn(JTable table)
      Specify the table and use default spacing
    • AdjusterTableColumn

      public AdjusterTableColumn(JTable tableAdjust, int spacing)
      Specify the table and spacing
  • Method Details

    • adjustColumns

      public void adjustColumns()
      Adjust the widths of all the columns in the table
    • adjustColumn

      public void adjustColumn(int column)
      Adjust the width of the specified column in the table
    • restoreColumns

      public void restoreColumns()
      Restore the widths of the columns in the table to its previous width
    • setColumnHeaderIncluded

      public void setColumnHeaderIncluded(boolean isColumnHeaderIncluded)
      Indicates whether to include the header in the width calculation
    • setColumnDataIncluded

      public void setColumnDataIncluded(boolean isColumnDataIncluded)
      Indicates whether to include the model data in the width calculation
    • setOnlyAdjustLarger

      public void setOnlyAdjustLarger(boolean isOnlyAdjustLarger)
      Indicates whether columns can only be increased in size
    • setDynamicAdjustment

      public void setDynamicAdjustment(boolean isDynamicAdjustment)
      Indicate whether changes to the model should cause the width to be dynamically recalculated.
    • propertyChange

      public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent e)
      Implement the PropertyChangeListener
      Specified by:
      propertyChange in interface PropertyChangeListener
    • tableChanged

      public void tableChanged(TableModelEvent e)
      Implement the TableModelListener
      Specified by:
      tableChanged in interface TableModelListener