Interface Lexer

All Known Implementing Classes:
JavaScriptLexer, SQLLexer

public interface Lexer
A lexer should implement this interface.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns the next token.
    reset(Reader reader, int yyline, int yychar, int yycolumn)
    Closes the current input stream, and resets the scanner to read from a new input stream.
  • Method Details

    • getNextToken

      Token getNextToken() throws IOException
      Returns the next token.
      the next token
    • reset

      void reset(Reader reader, int yyline, int yychar, int yycolumn)
      Closes the current input stream, and resets the scanner to read from a new input stream. All internal variables are reset, the old input stream cannot be reused (content of the internal buffer is discarded and lost). The lexical state is set to the initial state. Subsequent tokens read from the lexer will start with the line, char, and column values given here.
      reader - The new input.
      yyline - The line number of the first token.
      yychar - The position (relative to the start of the stream) of the first token.
      yycolumn - The position (relative to the line) of the first token.