Class ShadowPopupFactory


public final class ShadowPopupFactory extends PopupFactory
The JGoodies Looks implementation of PopupFactory. Adds a drop shadow border to all popups except ComboBox popups. It is installed by the JGoodies Plastic L&F, as well as by the JGoodies Windows L&F during the Look&Feel initialization, see {link com.jgoodies.looks.plastic.PlasticLookAndFeel#initialize} and {link}.

This factory shall not be used on platforms that provide native drop shadows, such as the Mac OS X. Therefore the invocation of the install() method will have no effect on such platforms.

Note: To be used in a sandbox environment, this PopupFactory requires two AWT permissions: createRobot and readDisplayPixels. The reason for it is, that in the case of the heavy weight popups this PopupFactory uses a Robot to snapshot the screen background to simulate the drop shadow effect.

$Revision: 1.8 $
Karsten Lentzsch
See Also:
  • Field Details


      public static final String PROP_HORIZONTAL_BACKGROUND
      In the case of heavy weight popups, snapshots of the screen background will be stored as client properties of the popup contents' parent. These snapshots will be used by the popup border to simulate the drop shadow effect. The two following constants define the names of these client properties. see com.jgoodies.looks.common.ShadowPopupBorder
      See Also:

      public static final String PROP_VERTICAL_BACKGROUND
      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • install

      public static void install()
      Installs the ShadowPopupFactory as the shared popup factory on non-Mac platforms. Also stores the previously set factory, so that it can be restored in #uninstall.

      In some Mac Java environments the popup factory throws a NullPointerException when we call #getPopup.

      The Mac case shows that we may have problems replacing non PopupFactory instances. Therefore, we should consider replacing only instances of PopupFactory.

      See Also:
    • uninstall

      public static void uninstall()
      Uninstalls the ShadowPopupFactory and restores the original popup factory as the new shared popup factory.
      See Also:
    • getPopup

      public Popup getPopup(Component owner, Component contents, int x, int y)
      Creates a Popup for the Component owner containing the Component contents. In addition to the superclass behavior, we try to return a Popup that has a drop shadow, if popup drop shadows are active - as returned by Options#isPopupDropShadowActive.

      owner is used to determine which Window the new Popup will parent the Component the Popup creates to. A null owner implies there is no valid parent. x and y specify the preferred initial location to place the Popup at. Based on screen size, or other parameters, the Popup may not display at x and y.

      We invoke the super #getPopup, not the one in the stored factory, because the popup type is set in this instance, not in the stored one.

      getPopup in class PopupFactory
      owner - Component mouse coordinates are relative to, may be null
      contents - Contents of the Popup
      x - Initial x screen coordinate
      y - Initial y screen coordinate
      Popup containing Contents //@ throws IllegalArgumentException if contents is null //@ see Options#isPopupDropShadowActive()