Class PanelConsoles

All Implemented Interfaces:
ImageObserver, MenuContainer, Serializable, Accessible

public class PanelConsoles extends JPanel
A panel with different consoles displayed on the bottom.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • PanelConsoles

      public PanelConsoles()
      Create panel at the bottom with different consoles to report injection process.
  • Method Details

    • reset

      public void reset()
    • insertChunkTab

      public void insertChunkTab()
      Add Chunk console to bottom panel.
    • insertBooleanTab

      public void insertBooleanTab()
      Add Binary console to bottom panel.
    • insertNetworkTab

      public void insertNetworkTab()
      Add Network tab to bottom panel.
    • insertJavaTab

      public void insertJavaTab()
      Add Java console to bottom panel.
    • messageChunk

      public void messageChunk(String text)
    • messageBinary

      public void messageBinary(String text)
    • getChunkTab

      public JTextArea getChunkTab()
    • getNetworkSplitPane

      public JSplitPaneWithZeroSizeDivider getNetworkSplitPane()
    • getBinaryTab

      public JTextArea getBinaryTab()
    • getDividerLocation

      public int getDividerLocation()
    • setDividerLocation

      public void setDividerLocation(int location)
    • getButtonShowNorth

      public BasicArrowButton getButtonShowNorth()
    • getNetworkTable

      public NetworkTable getNetworkTable()