Class AbstractManagerList

All Implemented Interfaces:
Manager, ImageObserver, MenuContainer, Serializable, Accessible
Direct Known Subclasses:
AbstractManagerShell, ManagerAdminPage, ManagerFile, ManagerScan, ManagerUpload

public abstract class AbstractManagerList extends JPanel implements Manager
Abstract manager containing a drag and drop list of item.
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • itemsList

      protected final transient List<ItemList> itemsList
    • listFile

      protected DnDList listFile
    • lastLine

      protected final JPanel lastLine
    • listPaths

      protected DnDList listPaths
      Contains the paths of webshell.
    • run

      protected JButtonStateful run
      Starts the upload process.
    • privilege

      protected JLabel privilege
      Display the FILE privilege of current user.
    • defaultText

      protected String defaultText
      Text of the button that start the upload process. Used to get back the default text after a search (defaultText->"Stop"->defaultText).
    • loader

      protected final JLabel loader
      A animated GIF displayed during processing.
  • Constructor Details

    • AbstractManagerList

      protected AbstractManagerList()
    • AbstractManagerList

      protected AbstractManagerList(String nameFile)
  • Method Details

    • addToList

      public void addToList(String element)
      Add a new string to the list if it's not a duplicate.
      element - The string to add to the list
    • highlight

      public void highlight(String url, String tag)
    • endProcess

      public void endProcess()
    • clearSelection

      public void clearSelection()
      Unselect every element of the list.
    • setButtonEnable

      public void setButtonEnable(boolean isEnable)
      Enable or disable the button.
      isEnable - The new state of the button
    • changePrivilegeIcon

      public void changePrivilegeIcon(Icon icon)
      Display another icon to the Privilege label.
      icon - The new icon
    • getListPaths

      public DnDList getListPaths()